All posts tagged "children of determination"
Special Needs
How Occupational Therapists Are Helping Children with Special Needs During COVID-19
September 21, 2020Physical therapists weigh in on how they're dealing with the switch to teletherapy in the face...
Special Needs
How the COVID-19 Lockdown Is Impacting Students With Autism and ADHD
April 21, 2020The COVID-19 lockdown has also brought it with a lack of access to the occupational and...
The Re:Set Guide
The Re:Set Guide to Keeping Your Child Busy This Summer
July 2, 2020Entering the summer period marks a transition phase, which provides a good opportunity to reflect on...
Special Needs
No Lunch Breaks and Extracurriculars: How Indian Schools Are Planning to Reopen
August 11, 2020With limited internet penetration, online learning has been inaccessible for the large majority of Indian students...
How to Cope With Back-To-School Worries for Your Child With Special Needs
August 21, 2020Be mindful of the overlap between both yours and your child’s worries.
Special Needs
On Love, Independence and Grieving: Shattering Down Syndrome Stereotypes
October 17, 2019Individuals with Down syndrome can go to school, fall in love and live a normal life.
Special Needs
The Mental Health of Kids With Special Needs Is Still Overlooked
October 2, 2019"The best thing for parents is to make sure they educate themselves as much as possible."
Five Ways You Can Implement Accommodations for Assessments in the Classroom
April 3, 2019Accommodations can be helpful for neurotypical kids as well as children of determination in the classroom.
These Summer Camps Are Setting New Standards for Inclusivity
July 17, 2019"These events are important for these children to socialize, to come out of their comfort zone...